Category: journal
- 2024 in review
- Animations need state machines
- How I learned to be strategic
- Consumption vs Creation Ratio
- Nice hover effect from Fibery
- Things I did in my Thirties
- A method for stress management
- Reading the Classics
- Avoiding regret
- 2023 in review
- The things we create
- My App Defaults 2023
- What keeps me going
- The divide between office and remote workers
- Do you want to do it now, or later?
- Patterns of thinking that will cause you regret
- Everything I am proud of
- 2022 in review
- 2021 in review (a little late)
- Addiction and balance
- The people who judge you
- Advice on turning 38
- Get focused with interstitial journaling
- Vacation from consumption
- Hard work is not the solution
- Paradise on earth
- Learning from others: principles for founders
- Incomplete things drain you
- Being more creative, by being lazy
- Learning faster through play
- My typical day
- Write it down
- Life commitment exercise
- Living fully committed
- Clear thinking about performance
- Adding creativity like Nintendo
- Increasing your output by saying No
- Show your work
- Why smart people come up with bad ideas
- Ten days without coffee
- Watching films
- What are we consuming that broadens our minds?
- Problems are not barriers, which is why they are good things to have.
- Using herd mentality to your benefit
- The right project for the right time
- Starting something new
- 2019 in review
- Creative time experiment result
- Finding tranquility
- "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse
- Alcohol
- Minding my zen
- Hemingway quote
- How to trust someone
- Tranquility, growth, and curiosity
- Something I keep learning over and over again
- Humanising phone calls and Twitter
- Improve or enjoy
- The How
- Creative Time instead of ToDo lists
- The best advice
- Tired or Bored?
- Ethics in design revamp
- Charles Handy on education
- Shocked at how little is online
- Breaking habits
- Who you travel with
- Staying consistent
- Pain and stickers
- Great day
- Media fast again
- Simply Sunday
- May the 4th be with you
- The end of a product
- Dugges Tap Takeover
- Easter Dinner with the inlaws
- Easter again
- Spring cleaning
- Have an easter
- Easter beginning
- We found Bubble Tea & the good life
- First day of spring in Stockholm
- Blood clot watch
- Massive jet lag
- Back to work
- Unpacking and realigning
- Still “today”
- Leaving Tokyo
- The last sunny day of Tokyo
- My 35th Birthday
- Vacation & Proposals in Tokyo
- What are you optimizing for?
- Blood clot
- 2018 in review
- Five day media fast
- Etching patterns into your mind
- You have to be willing to take whatever you’ve done and whoever you were and throw them away.
- A handfull of great ideas for a better life
- Optimisation your life away
- The only way to live your life — according to Gallop
- How to plan well
- Reaching any goal
- Strategies for a successful life
- Don't let pride guide your focus
- New favorite expression; Fata Morgana
- The Cult of Enthusiasm
- Giving ideas a second chance
- Staying awake to life
- Why minimalism is a meta skill
- Reading news is pointless and you shouldn't do it.
- Bastiats petition for the candlemakers
- Personal style for the minimalist
- Poetry tips from the late Christopher Hitchens
- 2018 Setup
- The anti-conspiracy theory
- The surprising effect of boredom
- The next step for Apple
- The problem with people without problems
- Don’t live week by week
- The definitive guide to value creation
- The mobile revolution at sime
- Sharing locally has been solved, Chirp review
- Elisabet Grétarsdóttir explains Gamification at SIME 2011
- Why we need to define our lives
- What to use the iPad for
- Roman philosopher explains Twitter
- Why the music industry wont stream music
- Real profit
- The future of Apple TV - sans apps
- Second week with the iPad
- Why indeed
- How to Monetize haters
- Theme revamping
- Theme revamp in 5.. 4.. 3..
- A template for life
- Why native apps wont go away
- Whats does Apple's new iOS 4 mean?
- Steve Jobs says Individualism is good
- Official Twitter client for OS X
- How can I use iPhone apps on my Mac?
- The future is just around the bend, and it has email for you
- Why Apple is loosing money on making crappy headsets
- Bill Gates being a great father
- Fear of success or fear of failure - why we don't try new things
- Why I know playstation Move won't be a game changer
- Complexity leads to nothing
- Stop living for the weekends and start living
- Why I will buy the iPad
- Why the Apple tablet will fail
- Law of Design - redefined for today
- The big brother state of Sweden (swe)
- Why intelligence doesn't matter
- The sickness of actually liking your job
- Why change is hard for companies
- The amazing power of discussion
- Strange reading habits
- Playstation 3 drive error update
- The Genuine Man
- Free Realms dissapointment
- The perpetual generation
- PS3 Bluray Disc drive failure
- Michael Jackson is dead
- MacBook Pro 13" first impressions
- WWDC roundup
- Sony is officially gimping developers
- The Playstation media center
- Will Home give the PS3 an edge?
- Little Big Planet PAL launch
- The iPod experiment 1
- The strangeness of a mans mind
- Objectivity versus subjectivity
- The american economy
- New design wrecks havoc just like new tech
- LoL day!
- The chance of finding intelligent life in space
- E3 anticipation
- Fearing hubris or fame
- WiiFit
- Zelda phantom hourglass review
- The plummet of man
- Grin Visit
- New Design
- Poor critique on objectivism
- Time consumers
- Web 2.0 and twitter especially
- Wii problem? meh...
- Another line of work
- Media disinformation
- EA defending developers and games
- Media being educated, about media?
- Geek culture
- New blog format