Strategies for a successful life
If you are anything like me, you’ve read a ton of great books and articles about how to live well. Learned tips and tricks from masters about how to achieve what you want in life. But honestly, I’ve probably forgotten more good ideas than I remember. Some idea I’ve had to relearn more than once. Some would’ve made my life much easier if I had just remembered them. Which is why I’m so inspired by Derek Sivers idea of Directives.
Derek takes notes while he reads, when he finishes something, he summaries it. Then he takes what he’s learnt and adds it to a Do’s and Dont’s list. The list becomes an ever evolving set of strategies to live a better life. I think this is a great idea.
As one his directives is to shamelessly imitate, I’ll take that advice and start doing the same thing. Starting today, I’ll post everything I learn and keep a running list of Do’s and Dont’s. I’ll tell you how it pans out in 6 months.