Lifestyle design: the plunge

Getting started was much harder than expected. After I got past the first wave of fear & procrastination actual problems reared their ugly heads.


Now there are a lot of people who complain about this word; problems. They seem to believe that by admitting there is such a thing, we stop and give up.

I’ve never believed that. I think we need to clearly state and define every problem and complication before we can do anything about them.

In my experience, the people complaining about this word are the same people who are least likely to solve anything. I might be wrong about this, but it is interesting to note that the larger and more sluggish an organisation, the fewer problems they seem to communicate.

Problems solved

I have things I need to deal with to really get going. The first of these major hurdles I’ve just left in the dust. I’ve managed to clean up my debt and I’m back in the black. It took some radical action, but I’m actually better off now than I have been in years.

Getting ready to celebrate

Happy celebrations

I also managed to celebrate my 31st birthday with a few of my dearest friends. We drank sparkling wine far into the night and both laughed and cries. There was also chocolate cake that might haunt me forever.


Thank you everyone, I really needed that.
