My App Defaults 2023

Inspired by Manuel Moreale I wanted to share a list of my go-to apps:

  • Mail Client: Apple Mail
  • Mail Server: Google Workspace
  • Notes: Tana currently, though I want to go back to LogSeq or maybe roll my own…
  • To-Do: Things
  • Photo Shooting: Apple Camera
  • Photo Management: Apple Photos
  • Calendar: Cron
  • Cloud File Storage: iCloud & GitHub
  • RSS: don’t have one
  • Contacts: Card Hop on top of Apple Contacts
  • Browser: Arc + Safari
  • Chat: Telegram
  • Bookmarks: Don’t do bookmarks
  • Read It Later: Reader by Readwise
  • Word Processing: iA Writer
  • Spreadsheets: Google Sheets
  • Presentations: iA Presenter
  • Shopping Lists: Apple Reminders
  • Meal Planning: Don’t do meal planning
  • Budgeting and Personal Finance: Google Sheets
  • News: Don’t do news, other than what I see on X
  • Music: Spotify
  • Podcasts: Overcast
  • Password Management: 1Password
  • Code Editor: Replit