What's so Ethical about Design anyway?

Last year I gave a talk at Designers in Stockholm about where evil comes from and how to avoid it. I called it “What’s so ethical about design anyway?” as a joke about the raging debate on ethics of design.

This debate has only grown since I gave the talk, but I’ve heard very little of substance on the topic. So to contribute I thought I’d update my talk and make it available online.

Here are my thoughts on how evil happens in large organisations, and how to avoid becoming evil.

[slideshare id=3IJTrL8KQvkE8Z?wmode=opaque&w=427&h=356&fb=0&mw=0&mh=0&style=border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;&sc=no]

What is so Ethical about Design? from Jesper Bylund

This talk is 5 to 30 minutes long. Email me if you’d like me to present it for your organisation or meetup.