Things I did in my Thirties

Today I’m 40 years old. It’s strange being officially middle aged. I thought I’d be a different person by now.

If male lifespan does not increase significantly in the next decades, I’m exactly half way to the grave.

It’s good to take the opportunities to think about what I’ve spend my time on, and how I’d like to invest the time ahead.

These are the most notable things I could remember from my thirties:

Life events

  • Lived in 5 countries
  • Berlin, Germany — twice
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • San Francisco USA
  • Medellin Colombia
  • Grottamare, Italy
  • Crossed the Atlantic on a boat
  • Ran a marathon, at Marathon Greece
  • Saw Grand Canyon twice
  • Visited Oktoberfest thrice


  • Bought and sold 1 apartment in Sthlm
  • Did a sommelier education
  • Started investing in made to measure suits
  • Many weddings, births, celebrations
  • Was the toast master at my best friends wedding
  • Got a dog 🤩
  • Lost a dog 😢
  • Spent an entire week going to the opera to see Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen
  • Started investing


  • Nominated for innovation award by the city of Stockholm — twice
  • Joined 4 startups
  • Created a bunch of products
  • Started two podcasts
  • Wrote and published a book
  • Switched from mostly Developer to mostly Designer
  • Became a manager / coach

Spoke at many events and conferences

  • Wordcamp
  • SthlmJS
  • Internetdagarna
  • Developers Bay

Most importantly

  • Met Agnes, and got married

In my fourties I would like to invest more in relationships, and in shipping things. Even if lifespan increases, there is a limited amount of time. I would like to spend mine doing something worthwhile.

Jesper Bylund age 30 playing a plastic guitar

Jesper Bylund age 40 opening wine in Lisbon
